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Free Mac/PC Software from our friends at Micrologus:

Musician Training Center is a very interesting software environment that hosts various multimedia courses and free practice tools. I like them all, but my favorites are:

  • MET (Multilateral Ear Trainer): This is an effective systematic and musical approach for developing intervallic ear training chops, especially optimized for guitar and bass players.
  • GST (Guitar Speed Trainer): The excellent speed profiling algorithm in this program will help you start from your comfort zone, and gradually increase your speed.

*NOTE: These are affiliate links. This means that if you buy one of their premium courses I'll get a commission. But this is not why I have them here! There are thousands of guitar products out there that I could promote, but I'm only including MTC because I consider it a valuable and effective tool for guitar players.

PDF Downloads

Modal Harmony Workshop - Chord Progression Cheat Sheet

Includes tables of available diatonic chords in all modes and all keys.

Pentatonic Scale Compatibility List

Includes Degree Analysis, comparing Minor and Major Pentatonics with compatible modes.

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